First Annual Survey on Management Software used in Statistical Consulting


Abstract: In a survey on software used to manage statistics consulting projects and billing, we received responses from 38 statistics and biostatistics departments. Of these, 31.2 % of departments reported no system for tracking projects and 34.2% reported no software in use for billing; 39.5% of departments used some combination of a REDCap/Google/Microsoft Form to capture client/project information; 8 organizations (21.1%) use… Read More

Interactive Visualizations Using the Julia Package Pluto


The Julia package Pluto makes it easy to write “reactive notebooks” that intersperse code with text, figures, and interactive elements. They have been used for teaching, blog posts and data analysis reports. Below we present some interactive Pluto notebooks developed by UTHSC researchers.  At the moment they are hosted on Binder and may take a… Read More

BERD Faculty and Staff Contribute to the UT Covid-19 Site with Novel Tools


Faculty and staff from the BERD Unit at the TN-CTSI at UTHSC have contributed a project on local COVID-19 data. In addition to generating static graphics on the disease severity in the region, researchers have also created interactive web-based maps using RShiny. These maps allow users to Zoom in precisely on any region of the… Read More

Seminar Slides | Enhancing Statistical Methods in Grants and Papers | Dr. Saunak Sen


Enhancing Statistical Methods in Grants and Papers Seminar Slides (PDF)   Time: June 4th 12:00-1:00PM Location: Simulation Building Room 102 Presented by Saunak Sen, PhD Enhancing Statistical Methods in Grants and Papers Modern biomedical research relies heavily on statistical reasoning and data analysis.  Journal and research grant reviewers are increasingly examining the statistical analysis sections more… Read More

Seminar Slides | The Perfect Doctor | Dr. Fridtjof Thomas


The Perfect Doctor TN-CTSI 2019-05-28 – handout Time: May 28th 12:00-1:00PM Location: Simulation Building Room 102 Presented by Fridtjof Thomas, PhD The Perfect Doctor: An introduction to Causal Inference Consider a Perfect Doctor that has the magical ability to pick from two treatments always the one that is better for each given patient. Can we learn… Read More