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The Center for Biomedical Informatics

The UTHSC-ORNL Center for Biomedical Informatics (CBMI) bridges technology, computation and health research to improve personal and population health in Memphis and Tennessee. Research at the CBMI centers around using predictive analytics and semantic web ontologies. Our research includes:

  • Using machine learning and neural networks on streaming physiologic data collected from medical monitors to predict sepsis in children and adults
  • Developing new machine learning methods to predict cardiac arrhythmias from normal electrocardiographic tracings
  • Assessing the influence of social determinants of health and environment upon Sickle Cell Disease
  • Developing new insight into the pathogenesis of preeclampsia
  • Creating smart personal libraries to help guide health

Through these key areas of specialty, the CBMI bridges technology, computation, and clinical/public health research to develop high quality deliverables aimed at improving population health in Memphis and its surrounding areas.

The goals and objectives of the Center for Biomedical Informatics have been developed keeping in mind the growing needs of the UTHSC research community as well as the growing Memphis research space. Not only is the CBMI equipped to handle multiple projects, but we have expanded our capabilities in regard to tools, techniques, and available storage space for researchers.

All databases and projects are maintained at UTHSC in close collaboration with the UTHSC Information Technology Services. All systems used for data handling are HIPAA and FISMA compliant.

CBMI Resources

  • Research Enterprise Data Warehouse (EDW)
    The Research Enterprise Data Warehouse (EDW) is an in-house built standardized aggregated healthcare data warehouse housing data from Methodist Le Bonheur Healthcare. Through this warehouse we make available a single, comprehensive and integrated warehouse of all pediatric and adult clinical data sources on the campus to facilitate healthcare research, healthcare operations and medical education.
  • TrinetX Live
    TrinetX Live is a cloud based health research platform. This platform provides visual and tabular data summary of the research Enterprise Data Warehouse containing standardized aggregated pediatric and adult healthcare data from Methodist Le Bonheur Health System. This platform is currently live.
  • CERNER Health Facts® (HF) Database
    The CBMI is now able to provide UTHSC researchers and affiliates access to the CERNER Health Facts® (HF) database. Since 2000, CERNER Health Facts® database has captured and stored de-identified, longitudinal electronic health record (EHR) patient data, aggregated and organized to facilitate analyses and reporting – it currently contains data on almost 50 million patients and almost 300 million encounters. Joint Institute for Computational Sciences.
  • REDCap
    For clinical Research Databasing, we offer access to the Research Electronic Data Capture (REDCap) System (under license from Vanderbilt University). REDCap is a secure web application for building and managing online surveys and databases. REDCap is specifically geared to support online or offline data capture for research studies and operations. Visit the REDCap website to learn more.

    Please call the CBMI at 901-287-5834 if you have any questions.

    Visit the CBMI Website

  • ISSAC Secure Enclave
    The High Performance & Scientific Computing group provides the ISAAC (Infrastructure for Scientific Applications, and Advanced Computing) Secure Enclave resources and services for research involving sensitive information. The Secure Enclave can support research with Protected Health Information and Controlled Unclassified Information which have specific security requirements specified by federal regulations. Please contact OIT if you have research with other types of sensitive information so we can work with you and the Office of Research to determine if the ISAAC Secure Enclave is appropriate for your research. Support for use of these resources include system administration support, scientific computing support, documentation, training, software installation and maintenance, and other support services.

    ISAAC is a rebranding and is a replacement for what was formerly known as the Advanced Computing Facility (ACF).

    Information about the resources and how to use them are in the menu sub-pages under the ISAAC Secure Enclave menu
