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Seminar Slides | Enhancing Statistical Methods in Grants and Papers | Dr. Saunak Sen


Enhancing Statistical Methods in Grants and Papers Seminar Slides (PDF)


Time: June 4th 12:00-1:00PM

Location: Simulation Building Room 102

Presented by Saunak Sen, PhD

Enhancing Statistical Methods in Grants and Papers

Modern biomedical research relies heavily on statistical reasoning and data analysis.  Journal and research grant reviewers are increasingly examining the statistical analysis sections more closely.  We will outline reporting guidelines such as ARRIVE, CONSORT, and STROBE for animal pre-clinical studies, randomized trials, and observational studies, respectively.  In case, you need further assistance we suggest you make a BERD clinic appointment to seek advice from an epidemiology or biostatistics faculty member.  If a more elaborate engagement is needed, you might want to consider starting a consulting project or a research collaboration.  We will discuss what to expect in those interactions to help decide what route might be best for your research.

TN-CTSI seminar series on statistical reasoning in biomedical research: The Division of Biostatistics in the Department of Preventive Medicine and the Biostatistics, Epidemiology and Research Design Unit of TN-CTSI invite you to attend a seminar series on statistical reasoning in biomedical research. This is the final seminar in the 6-seminar series.